Designated Days for Family Planning Service and Gender

Designating a day for assured family planning (FP) service provision is when services are provided on a fixed day – often for free, thus eliminating a major barrier to women’s and girls’ access to family planning.

Designated FP special days can complement routine family planning service provision by offering a method that is typically not provided at the facility, or by guaranteeing availability of a routine family planning service or family planning providers on a specific day.

It is accompanied by community mobilization to raise awareness of these days and addressing any myths and misconceptions that they may have about women’s and girls’ access to family planning, increasing their access to services.

Designating days for family planning helps improve both family planning access. That is why TCI considers it a gender intentional intervention. Below are the designated FP special day interventions that local governments in TCI-supported hubs are using to create a more supportive facility environment for women and girls.

Designated Day for Assured Family Planning Service Provision

Special Family Planning Days

Journées spéciales d’offre gratuite de services de planification familiale (JSPF)

Fixed Day Static Services/Family Planning Day Approach to Expand Access To Quality Family Planning Services

Facility-Based Family Health Days

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