Nigeria: Advocacy

TCI Nigeria’s Three-Prong Advocacy Approach

While Nigeria already has excellent policies and strategic plans to guide reproductive health and family planning programming, the gap between policy and implementation at the State and LGA levels remains significant. Where implementation has begun, only limited attention has been given to family planning despite the evidence linking family planning (FP) with improved maternal and child health outcomes; both key to achieving the SDGs.

As a result, the Advocacy Core Groups (ACGs) in the TCI supported states engage with existing structures and identifies FP champions at the national, state and community levels to raise the visibility of FP and ensure the scale-up and sustainability of FP proven interventions. Working with these structures, TCI Nigeria:

  • Fosters an enabling environment for the implementation of proven FP interventions
  • Mobilizes resources and funding for FP in supported State/LGAs
  • Amplifies the voices in support of FP in TCI States and LGAs; identifying FP champions and using media to achieve this objective

In this section, you will find detailed guidance on these effective interventions.

Nigeria Advocacy Interventions

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Family Planning

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Nigeria: Demand Generation

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