The Challenge Initiative (TCI) has just premiered an animated video that provides local governments with guidance on implementing a high-impact intervention from Francophone West Africa (FWA) that promotes the universal referral to family planning counseling and...
The Grand Lomé Health Region recently hosted an impactful workshop to assess its family planning (FP) program in partnership with The Challenge Initiative (TCI). This event was a significant milestone, bringing together key stakeholders to review and analyze FP...
In Benin, a significant unmet need for family planning is particularly prevalent among adolescent girls ages 15-24. A recent journal article in Global Health: Science and Practice outlines how The Challenge Initiative (TCI) supported local health system leaders in...
In Francophone West Africa (FWA), significant efforts are underway to meet national commitments and targets aimed at enhancing maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) and increasing family planning (FP) utilization. Two notable regional investment programs...
On #WorldHealthDay 2024, The Challenge Initiative’s (TCI’s) Francophone West Africa (FWA) hub celebrates health workers like Diouf Halimatou Biteye, a midwife in Thiès, Senegal. World Health Day took place on April 7, 2024, with the theme of...
Speaking at the opening session of one of The Challenge Initiative’s (TCI’s) program monthly coordination meeting, Amadou Diarra – Mayor of the Pikine-Nord commune in Sénégal – said the following about TCI’s impact on his community: Since the...