Philippines Toolkit: Service Delivery

Mobile Outreach Services

Access Issues

Populations facing issues in physical access often encounter barriers when trying to access services. These barriers may arise from residing in remote rural areas or living relatively close to the service center but facing significant time and travel expenses to reach it, especially in urban areas. Outreach activities for these populations typically involve single events conducted away from the service center. During these events, the outreach team selects a specific date and location, often distant from the center, to conduct activities such as outreach caravans or door-to-door visits.

Tip: Filipinos commonly perceive outreach events as one-time occurrences. In addition to the intended purpose of family planning outreach, some individuals may seek assistance for unrelated health issues or attempt to obtain medications outside the planned outreach scope. To address this, the CHO should consider integrating family planning with other health-related services during outreach events or have an emergency response team available to handle emerging health concerns.


  • Outreach is a straightforward approach that can be conducted independently or as part of other single-day events.
  • It often leads to a single point incidence increase in new acceptors of family planning services.


  • It can be cost-intensive, requiring the establishment of a separate budget for the event.
  • Outreach activities are labor-intensive, often necessitating the outsourcing of staff from nearby health centers.
  • There may be low sustainability as individuals typically do not follow up with health centers after the outreach event.

It is important to be prepared to accommodate clients who seek consultation for conditions other than family planning. Setting up a medical booth and providing referrals for such cases is essential.

Populations with high demand but low access to FP services typically have good access to information but are hindered by cultural or behavioral factors. These populations are often in the contemplation or determination stage of behavioral change and are convinced of the benefits of family planning, or have previously tried family planning methods.

Outreach efforts for these communities need to be tailored to address their specific needs and preferences. This includes:

  • Providing information on their preferred FP methods;
  • Normalizing the behavior of seeking FP services;
  • Promoting non-judgmental and unbiased use of FP; and,
  • Emphasizing the importance of follow-up and maintenance of FP methods.

Consequently, outreach activities should be designed to fit the needs and availability of these populations. Some examples of specialized outreach approaches include:

  • Extending service hours (sunset clinics) to accommodate individuals busy with work or school, or those who wish to avoid crowded health centers.
  • Providing family planning services in the workplace through passive distribution of commodities in company bathrooms, lounges, or common areas, or through sample distribution.
  • Organizing special point-of-service delivery events in workplaces or near red-light districts.

It is important to note that the Department of Education (DepED) prohibits the direct provision of FP commodities in schools.


  • These populations typically have a high demand for family planning services and may already have preferred family planning methods.
  • Many of these populations may require long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs).


  • Specialized outreach activities are typically conducted over a set period of time and require continuous coordination with barangay officers, Barangay Health Workers (BHWs), and office managers.

There is a risk that individuals reached through these outreach efforts may not follow up at health centers. It's important to anticipate this by providing LARCs or establishing a referral system.

Populations with traditionally low demand for FP services often have cultural or traditional aversions to family planning. These groups may have been overlooked during outreach efforts due to historical preconceptions, but they still require reproductive services, sometimes even more intensively.

During the preparatory phase of outreach, stakeholders' analysis and Focus Group Discussions are essential to collect supporters and identify misconceptions. Targeted demand generation activities are crucial to dispel myths and align FP with responsible parenthood and traditional values.

Outreach efforts for these populations must be tailored to their specific needs and cultural context. Examples of outreach strategies include:

  • Bundling family planning services with other health or government outreach initiatives, such as health service caravans.
  • Distributing Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) materials with vouchers for specific FP commodities redeemable at health centers.
  • Conducting door-to-door visits to provide FP information, counseling, and direct provision of family planning methods.

Tip: It is important to note that bundling FP services with general health consultations or other services during outreach can help reduce stigma for more "controversial" health services, such as family planning, HIV, or tuberculosis.


  • Some communities may experience a "domino effect," where even one positive response from an individual can lead to the normalization of FP practices. It's important to identify family planning advocates or champions during outreach events.


  • Some populations may not consider using FP without the explicit approval of their cultural leaders. Preliminary dialogue with these leaders is essential before conducting outreach.

It is crucial to promote FP without violating the principles of Informed Choice and Voluntarism.

Indicators for success

Vertical Indicators
  • Inclusion of MOS into the Program Design
  • Inclusion of MOS in the Work & Financial Plan, Annual Operational Plan, Annual Investment Plan
  • Adoption of Mobile Outreach standards as per DOH Guidelines on Implementation of Mobile Outreach Services for Family Planning
Horizontal Indicators
  • Number of providers trained/oriented on mobile outreaches
  • Number of mobile outreaches conducted

What evidence supports the strengthening of family planning through MOS?

In 2023, the City of Manila implemented a successful Bayanihan system of outreach to double its number of FP New Acceptors. The process began with identifying the Top 10 Barangays with the lowest number of new acceptors/current users. Health Centers (HCs) responsible for these areas were then equipped with additional commodities and capacity-building support.

The Health Centers were paired within districts, and an outreach team was designated for each center. Every two weeks, the HCs took turns conducting outreach activities. During these sessions, the non-outreach HC sent its team to support the outreach efforts of the designated HC. Meanwhile, the conducting HC dispatched its CHVs  and additional staff to conduct door-to-door FP promotion in the community.

If any clients expressed interest in FP services during the outreach activities, they were promptly educated and counseled on the spot. Subsequently, they were offered the commodity of their choice from the range carried by the outreach team.



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