Gender Essentials

Additional Tools and Resources

Here you will learn about three tools and resources for gender intentional programming and offer some general resources for program planning.


  1. Gender analysis matrix
  2. RAISE assessment tool
  3. Community of Practice

Gender analysis matrix

One of the first steps in program design is often a gender situation analysis or landscaping.  The Gender Analysis Matrix is a straightforward table with a high-level objective:  to explore how gender power relations can create inequities between and among different gender groups.

The matrix is a collaborative, adaptable tool to assist in the systematic application of applying a gender lens. It allows for the identification of barriers or issues that can negatively (or positively) affect program implementation and outcomes, and how these will be addressed. See this example of a completed gender analysis matrix.

Topic domains (with examples)
Topic domains (with examples)
Topic 1: Access to and use of services
Topic 2: Quality of care
Topic 3: Infrastructure
Topic 4: Adherence to treatment
Sex/gender or disaggregated data
Sex/gender or disaggregated data
Intersectional considerations and questions
Intersectional considerations and questions
Gender Domains
Access to resources
Gender Domains
Division of labor, roles, practices
Gender Domains
Norms, values, beliefs
Gender Domains
Decision-making power and autonomy

RAISE: Applying a gender lens to an assessment tool

The Reflection and Action to Improve Self-reliance and Effectiveness (RAISE) tool is designed to assess the quality and sustainability of TCI’s high-impact family planning interventions. The RAISE tool is used between the “implementation” and “graduation” stages.

The RAISE tool can guide implementers at the local level to:

  • Measure the intensity of gender-intentional program implementation
  • Identify corrective actions to take and maintain quality during rapid scale-up
  • Encourage local ownership that leads to sustainability
  • Encourage a holistic approach to data for decision-making
  • Integrate gender into the RAISE tool and processes
Tips for a gender intentional workshop:

The RAISE assessment takes place during an eight-hour workshop.

  • Ensure gender equitable representation among government stakeholders.
  • Generate rules of engagement at the start of the workshop that recognize the roles of power and privilege in key steps (small-group discussion and completing the form as a group) and that promote a safe and open environment.
  • Ensure TCI staff are trained in facilitation and consensus building that recognizes power and privilege and provides equal opportunity for everyone to share their experiences and thoughts.
  • Ensure gender-intentional activities are integrated into the local government action plan developed during the workshop.
  • After workshops, leverage the experience of a gender champion to collaborate with local government and support implementation.
Tips for gender intentional outcomes

The RAISE process works towards a number of intended outcomes on data, coaching, implementation gaps and organizational learning.

Evaluate the quality of TCI-supported interventions Facilitate effective data for decision-making
Ensure data is disaggregated by gender and remains disaggregated at all levels, even if differences are not detected. Evidence-based planning and decision-making and learning and adaptation can occur only if sex-disaggregated date and age-disaggregated data are available. Recognize that biases in data can perpetuate stereotypes that exacerbate existing inequalities.
Diagnose coaching needs and prioritiesInform graduation decisions and coaching progress
Women may need more/different coaching and prefer to receive coaching from fellow women, e.g., on institutional barriers.
Identify implementation gaps and generate action plans for improvement
TCI should review the current criteria for identifying and evaluating implementation gaps, and ensure gender is incorporated where appropriate.
Promote organizational learning
Use the RAISE process to promote organizational gender analyses and ensure gender intentional organizational learning, e.g., understand gendered nature of organization, name existing stereotypes and identify measures for change.

Community of Practice

What does an inclusive and gender intentional  community of practice (CoP) look like?

It promotes learning and professional development. Above all, it offers non-judgmental sharing of challenges, failures and successes, a CoP allows members to ask challenging questions and deal with disagreement.

The community of practice is a space open for all TCI stakeholders to connect and share knowledge related to scaling, impact and sustainability of evidence-based gender intentional interventions.

Topics for possible discussion and knowledge exchange include:

Barriers to generating and using gender-disaggregated data for decision-making
Moments for self-reflection on how programs are advancing gender-transformative programs
Focus on key challenges and issues related to gender and gender integration


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