Nigeria: Service Delivery

Improving Urban Family Planning Services in Nigeria: the TCI Approach

According to the 2013 national DHS, thirty-one percent (31%) of currently married women in Nigeria have a demand for family planning (FP) but only a third of this potential demand for family planning is being met. This means that millions of women who say they want family planning are not using it, thereby exposing them to several challenges and complications related to having unwanted or unplanned pregnancies.

TCI Nigeria’s service delivery approach focuses on addressing this demand by improving access—ensuring supported facilities have the basic standard of infrastructure/equipment needed for the provision of quality FP services—and improving quality—ensuring a pool of trained and skilled FP providers are ready and able to support quality FP service delivery.

TCI Nigeria does this by strengthening existing government and community structures to improve family planning service delivery and uptake of FP services, including efforts to strengthen HMIS reporting, more robust assessment of FP within State Integrated Supportive Supervision (ISS) structure, improve providers’ ability to complete requisition forms and do quantification/forecasting of stock and, strengthen the Contraceptive Logistics Management System to include more on FP.

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