TCI Helps Punjab’s DOH Revitalize Training Management System to Better Organize Capacity Strengthening Efforts

Apr 10, 2024

Contributed by: Aiman Haroon and Mawaddat Zahra Naqvi

TCI Helps Punjab’s DOH Revitalize Training Management System to Better Organize Capacity Strengthening Efforts

Apr 10, 2024

Contributed by: Aiman Haroon and Mawaddat Zahra Naqvi

The revitalized training management system has been helping improve record-keeping and training quality.

The Department of Health (DOH) in Punjab, Pakistan, is taking a proactive approach to organize and manage training sessions thanks to the help of The Challenge Initiative (TCI). Previously, the DOH relied on multiple regional partnerships that were often need-based and necessitated by each individual partner. The program’s approvals were haphazard, and training outcomes remained ambiguous and obscure.

Since TCI came to Punjab in June 2022, a more proactive approach has been deployed in an effort to increase access to this longstanding capacity-strengthening effort. By implementing a monthly training plan and actively involving partners in the process, DOH has streamlined its training efforts and recognized the importance of proper documentation and record-keeping. TCI guided the operational side of the training design, provided the requirements of the cadres, and shared the agenda and tentative dates. Topics included advanced family planning methods, postpartum and post-abortion family planning (PPFP & PACFP), counseling skills, leadership capabilities, and family planning integration.

The DOH’s Integrated Reproductive Maternal, Newborn, Child Health (IRMNCH) program’s long-underutilized Training Management System will also be reactivated with TCI’s guidance. The will to reactivate the system was strong, but it was not a priority. After TCI prepared a comprehensive plan and multiple rounds of discussions were held regarding training schedules, topics, and participants’ cadres, the DOH decided to use all its energies to make the system active in letter and spirit.

The system revitalization demonstrated a commitment to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of training initiatives. The stakeholders observed that while trainings were being organized with other partners, they were not properly filed for records. By providing partners with access to the system and ensuring real-time data entry, DOH is enhancing transparency and accountability in training management. The officials met with the partners, oriented them to the system, and shared a proper plan to organize and record training. Separate logins help to verify that the data is being tabulated accurately.

The use of tools like live Google Sheets and WhatsApp groups further facilitates collaboration and data sharing among stakeholders in real time. This approach not only promotes accuracy in recording training details but also allows for better tracking and monitoring of training activities across districts.

Additionally, the establishment of a quarterly training plan and the directive for district offices to regularly upload training data underscores the importance of institutionalizing best practices in training management. Engaging in ongoing discussions at the district and provincial levels and providing technical support as needed is fostering a culture of continuous improvement in training delivery.

Overall, this proactive approach to training and development benefits the DOH and its partners as well as contributes to the enhancement of healthcare services in the region.

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