From Despair to Empowerment: How Family Planning Changed One Woman’s Life in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Mar 5, 2024

Contributed by Obasesam Edet, Priscilla Omang, Sifonobong Attah, Uduak Ananaba and Olukunle Omotoso

From Despair to Empowerment: How Family Planning Changed One Woman’s Life in Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

Mar 5, 2024

Contributed by Obasesam Edet, Priscilla Omang, Sifonobong Attah, Uduak Ananaba and Olukunle Omotoso
Elizabeth Sunday standing outside in her community.

Elizabeth Sunday is a 41-year-old widow living in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.

As International Women’s Day approaches on March 8, it’s essential to reflect on the stories of women like Elizabeth Sunday from Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria, whose experiences highlight the critical importance of access to family planning services. Elizabeth, a 41-year-old widow with three surviving children, has faced immense challenges due to poor access to accurate family planning information and services in the Mbiabong local government area.

 I wouldn’t have had so many children if I had known about family planning.”

Her heartbreaking statement resonates deeply with countless women in her community where traditional beliefs often overshadow vital health information.

Living in poverty and with limited resources, Elizabeth felt trapped in a cycle of unplanned pregnancies. Desperate for control over her reproductive health, she resorted to unsafe contraceptive methods, such as herbal concoctions, which offered no relief and posed serious risks to her well-being.

However, Elizabeth’s life took a hopeful turn when a community mobilizer, trained by The Challenge Initiative (TCI), knocked on her door. Armed with knowledge and compassion, the mobilizer sensitized Elizabeth and other women in the community about family planning options, sparking a conversation that would change her life forever.

Despite newfound knowledge, access to family planning services remained a challenge for Elizabeth. TCI stepped in with its high-impact practices and other interventions aimed at addressing barriers to access, generating demand, and creating an enabling policy environment. Through TCI-supported outreaches, family planning services became more accessible to women like Elizabeth in Mbiabong.

Dedicated to improving urban health systems, TCI is providing crucial technical support to Akwa Ibom State, ensuring that women like Elizabeth who need contraceptive services have access to quality services and information.

Elizabeth was finally able to access Jadelle, a long-acting reversible contraceptive implant that gave her a sense of empowerment and hope for a brighter future free from unintended pregnancies. Her transformation didn’t stop there; inspired by her experience, she began encouraging other women in her community to embrace family planning and make empowered choices for their reproductive health.

 This changes everything. Now, I can plan my future, secure the well-being of my children, and even help others.”

TCI’s support for community mobilization and strengthened health systems is making a significant difference in the lives of countless women in Akwa Ibom, leading to healthier lives and empowered communities. Elizabeth’s story serves as a testament to the life-altering power of family planning and the impact of TCI’s interventions in supported areas.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, let us recognize the silent struggles faced by women like Elizabeth and reaffirm our commitment to dismantling barriers to access and empowering women to write their own narratives of choice, agency, and a brighter future.

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