A happy family in Nigeria.

Scaling High-Impact Interventions

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Supporting Greater Self-Reliance

Strengthening Urban Health Systems

Expanding Access to Modern Contraception

The Challenge Initiative

Empowering Local Governments

Led by the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Challenge Initiative is a “business unusual” platform that empowers local governments to rapidly and sustainably scale high-impact practices and other interventions to benefit urban poor communities.

TCI University

Begin your learning journey with TCI University.


Discover TCI University’s high-impact practices and other interventions


From toolkits showing how to implement high-impact quality family planning interventions.


With like-minded practitioners in our community of practice.


How-to guides, templates and resources customized for your country or region.


Certificates for each intervention you learn.


Master TCI-U’s Lead, Assist, Observe coaching model.

Our Partners

These six organizations are responsible for coaching local governments in TCI hubs in how to implement high-impact practices and other interventions.

Learn more. Get involved. Meet the challenge.