Aggrey Bushasha is a powerful advocate in his community of Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya. Known as both a community champion and a mentor, his passion for empowering young people is immediately apparent from the moment you meet him. He is deeply committed to creating...
In October 2023, The Challenge Initiative (TCI) collaborated with the government in Bihar, India, to launch a unique and heartwarming initiative to honor and motivate the unsung heroes of India’s healthcare system: Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHAs)....
After attending a Mini University workshop facilitated by The Challenge Initiative (TCI) and master coaches from Uttar Pradesh (UP), state health officials from Jharkhand’s National Health Mission (NHM) decided to arrange a study tour to Lucknow and Ayodhya in UP....
The Challenge Initiative (TCI) in East Africa held a webinar July 6, 2024, on what it has learned from Financing for Family Planning Programs. TCI coaches supporting Jinja in Uganda, Mbeya in Tanzania, and Nakuru County in Kenya shared the financing strategies they...
Vijan Shaban is a nurse working in the maternity ward in Morogoro Municipal Council (MC) in Tanzania who passionately advocates for postpartum family planning (PPFP). One day while working in the ward, Vijan experienced a heartbreaking, yet preventable, incident that...
Like many regions in the Philippines, Cagayan de Oro (CDO) is grappling with a significant challenge: a high rate of teenage pregnancy. This highly urbanized city recorded an alarming statistic in 2023: 60 out of 1,000 live births were teen pregnancies. To address...