An efficient and uninterrupted supply chain for family planning commodities is imperative for successful programming. The Family Planning Logistics Management Information System (FPLMIS) initiated by the government of India revolutionized the health system by...
In a groundbreaking partnership that began in 2018, The Challenge Initiative (TCI) joined with the health department in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh to transform urban family planning in Ayodhya (Faizabad) and Lucknow. Ayodhya graduated from TCI support in...
Dr. P.K. Verma – Medical Officer-In-Charge (MOIC) of the Katari Hill Urban Primary Health Center (UPHC) in Gaya, India – noticed a gap in community awareness regarding government-provided health services. Concerned about the well-being of vulnerable populations, he...
Master coaches trained by The Challenge Initiative (TCI) in Bareilly – a city in Uttar Pradesh, India – consistently use TCI’s data for decision-making intervention to review the progress of family planning programs. During a recent review meeting led by master...
The Challenge Initiative (TCI) supports the implementation of proven, high-impact family planning interventions (HIIs) by strengthening the capacity of city governments. In India, TCI holds “mini university” (mini-u) workshops where cities more experienced...
During a recent National Urban Health Mission (NUHM) monthly review meeting, Dr. Shahsikant Rai, the Urban Nodal Officer in Bulandshahr – a city in Uttar Pradesh, India – proposed that some undesignated funds be used to procure modern contraceptive methods known as...