TCI University

Welcome to TCI's Global Community of Practice

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  • CHPs given a hand kit with information on Family planning and a phone for data collection with FP commodities (Dmpa sc 104 mg )to teach to clients in community on how to do self administration is very awesmoe to me HARUN kenya

  • Thanks to allow me to the coaching team of Bungoma county KENYA. Let us continue supporting AYSRH activities

  • Anne Boraya posted an update 6 months ago

    Sharing achievements after graduation very impressive an eye opener and picking up some ideas from the other geographies

  • this was during
    at basic health unit Attawa Gujranwala 77 women get contraceptive at single health session which highest numbers .

  • this was during
    uriri sub county hospital BTL camp with the support from lwala community alliance clients are able to get the surgical contraceptive immediately they ask for and are eligable

  • At Women Deliver conference, IPPF and partners launched the Global Contraception Policy Atlas, which helps to inform policymakers on how countries have performed when it comes to contraception policy formulation. Take a look and learn more about the FP/RH policy environment in your country:

  • Armand Guehou posted an update 10 months ago

    10e RAISE à l’UCOZ.

  • SKS Coaching is on going in my geography. Am pleased that i have been reminded on my roles as a coach. great thanks goes to our implementing partner Jhpieogo.

  • MONICA MUTHONI posted an update 11 months ago


  • training of ypps at uriri sub county to help in mobilzation and mentor the young pple

  • Check out this technical brief on How has Human-Centered Design Contributed to Youth Engagement in Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health Programming?

  • Lisa Mwaikambo posted an update 1 year ago

    The Common Framework for Tracking Government Spending on Family Planning (FP) is an approach that holds governments accountable for meeting their commitments to fund FP supplies and service. Data collected using the Common Framework are summarized in FP budget scorecards, easy-to-understand visual snapshots that illustrate how much governments are…Read more

  • JOSEPH O. KAUKA posted an update in the group East Africa 1 year ago

    TCI UNIVERSITY Clubs From Tanzania Mbeya Region
    We are Happy To join in
    We de Champions

  • I am very delighted to be part of this platform, I hope I get new experience and meet the demands of my community.. 😊

  • I gain knowledge on Comprehensive Sexual education, its really exiting to acquire this knowledge as it is useful

  • AYSRH is best program in TCI ,Youth learn how to choose to take care of there body and health as a key of sustainable development Growth for better quality growth and economic recovery.

  • Lisa Mwaikambo posted an update in the group The Philippines 1 year, 2 months ago

    On behalf of the Philippines Department of Health, Breakthrough ACTION staff in the Philippines designed a booklet for teens, A Moment for Myself: Taking Good Care of My Mind and Body, in response to their stated need for mental health support and resources. Teens were involved in the content selection and design, and several leading mental health…Read more

  • AYSRH to Maasai community in Tanzania.Youth friendly services is the key of collecting datas.TCI is the best and key point to learn and be able to exchanging the knowledge with others.

  • The big secreat to teach Youth about AYSRH is to know how to approach them,show love,Listerning.By learning from TCI programs this program has been easy and loving work.Students where listering ,was good to give them chance to ask questions and sometimes i let them explain about what they have undetstood from coach.Honor to have TCI .

  • AYSRH at the working places has been comfortable session for the (youth)persons with disabilities .

About TCI's Community of Practice

What’s a Community of Practice (CoP)?

A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. CoP members may interact online and/or face-to-face.

TCI’s Global CoP

Once you register with TCI University, you will become a member of TCI Global CoP. This online space connects TCI hub staff, managers, implementers and other experts working in urban reproductive health, providing opportunities for real-time social learning, help with challenges, access to expertise, networking opportunities and knowledge sharing to:

  • Learn more about TCI’s three-stage process
  • Promote a mindset of continuous learning, exchange, networking and reflection
  • Facilitate the rapid scale-up of proven family planning interventions
  • Convert knowledge into practice

Through this space, we will offer additional opportunities for continuous learning, such as webinars, expert-led discussions and facilitated group discussions. The CoP will only be as beneficial as you seek to engage. So, we encourage you to post your own comments and start the conversation!

CoP Groups

Regional groups like East Africa, Francophone West Africa, India and Nigeria are private groups for members to discuss regionally specific topics with hub staff, managers, and implementers from those locales. These groups may find having their own space valuable for sharing:

  • Information about coaching
  • Updates on national policy changes
  • Discussions about improving the TCI process and overcoming challenges to implementation
  • Local adaptation tips

Additional groups include TCI Coaches and others can be created for unique topics relevant to TCI. If you’re interested in creating and managing a CoP group, please contact Christina Shaw.

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