TCI University

Welcome to TCI's Global Community of Practice

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  • By removing barriers such as inefficient processes and archaic norms, leaders provide the freedom necessary for employees to work across boundaries and create real impact.

  • Large-scale change can only occur when very significant numbers of employees amass under a common opportunity and drive in the same direction. Kotter explains that “history has demonstrated that it is possible to find many change agents … but only if people are given a choice, and feel they truly have permission to step forward and act.” You m…Read more

  • La rencontre du président UCOZ par les JLT Covè

  • Bonjour les amis c’est JLT UCOZ Covè

  • “You can’t appeal to people with data and facts alone. You must also account for how people feel. If you can provide greater meaning and purpose to their efforts, amazing things are possible.”


  • Dr. Kotter defines strategic initiatives as targeted and coordinated activities that, if designed and executed fast enough and well enough, will make your vision a reality. Characteristics of a terrific strategic vision: Communicable, Desirable, Creates a Verbal Picture, Flexible, Feasible, Imaginable, Simple

  • Hier a démarré en Afrique de l’Ouest Francophone, l’atelier régional virtuel multicentrique des Jeunes Leaders Transformationnels (JLT) pour l’élaboration des plans de plaidoyer en vue de la mobilisation de la contrepartie locale à la mise en œuvre des programmes de PF/SSRAJ des villes partenaires de TCI. L’atelier avait également pour object…Read more

  • Bonsoir chers tous!
    Les JLT de l’Ucoz d’Agbangnizoun *Virgil GODJO et Belvida Adjama* ont parcouru une vingtaine d’ateliers de couture et coiffure pour sensibiliser les jeunes filles à adopter les Méthodes de PF et ont distribué presqu’une centaines de coupons sous l’accord du président des Artisans de la commune *Julien LADJI*

    Quelques ima…Read more

    • très bien fait Belvida! Je suis en contact avec Virgil sur votre travail. Je vais écrire une blogue post. du courage avec tous!

  • The Guiding Coalition is, in many ways, the nerve center of Kotter’s 8-Step Process. It can take many shapes, but must consist of members from multiple layers of the hierarchy, represent many functions, receive information about the organization at all levels and ranks, and synthesize that information into new ways of working. Without a Guiding…Read more

  • Top leaders must describe an opportunity that will appeal to individual’s heads + hearts: Building urgency is all about concentrating on a window of opportunity that is open today but may close tomorrow. Such an opportunity brings people together, aligning them around a
    commonality, and clarifying where energy should be directed.

  • Despite recent gains in the use of modern contraceptives around the world, many women are still dissatisfied with their family planning methods and discontinuation remains high. In collaboration with health workers, postpartum women, implementers, and policymakers in Malawi, Breakthrough ACTION used behavioral design to develop a package of…Read more

  • This week, we are going to change our attention from Kotter’s 4 principles to his 8 steps or accelerators for successful change management, which include:
    1. Create a sense of urgency
    2. Build a guiding coalition
    3. Form a strategic vision and initiatives
    4. Enlist a volunteer army
    5. Enable action by removing barriers
    6. Generate short-term…Read more

  • Join the PATH-JSI DMPA-SC Access Collaborative’s Learning and Action Network (LAN) for a knowledge-sharing webinar on May 19 at 9am EDT to learn from successful DMPA-SC Scale-up COF grantees, representing the Society for Family Health, Pathfinder International, Marie Stopes and Jhpiego, about its impact on their work and key lessons learned. T…Read more

  • And, finally, Change Principle 4: “Have To” + “Want To” – Those who feel included in a meaningful opportunity will help create change in addition to their normal responsibilities. Existing ream members can provide the energy…if you invite them.

  • Lisa Mwaikambo posted an update in the group India 2 years, 11 months ago

    Check out Bayer’s new sustainability series which features TCIHC’s work with first time parents:

  • Change Principle 3: Head + Heart – Most people aren’t inspired by logic alone, but rather by the fundamental desire to contribute to a larger case. If you can give greater meaning and purpose to your effort, extraordinary results are possible.

  • Les instances de coordination mises en place dans le cadre des projets de villes appuyés par TCI en Afrique de l’Ouest Francophone fonctionnent. Il s’agit des Unités Techniques de Gestion (UTG) encore dénommées Unités de Gestion et de Coordination (UCG) dans certaines villes. Ces “unités” se réunissent une fois par mois pour planifier les activi…Read more

  • Du 26 au 30 avril 2021 a eu lieu à Bouaké en Côte d’Ivoire, la formation des Coachs en offre des services de PF/SSRAJ et en renforcement du système communautaire. Ont pris part à cette formation, 19 coachs dont 2 JLT.

  • Armand GUEHOU, Président des Jeunes Leaders Transformationnels (JLT) de l’Union des Communes du Zou (UCOZ) au Bénin et les membres de son bureau, ont été reçus par le Maire de la Commune de Ouinhi et Conseillers Communaux, le mercredi 12 mai 2021. L’objet de leur visite est de plaider pour la libération des ressources de la contrepartie locale de…Read more

About TCI's Community of Practice

What’s a Community of Practice (CoP)?

A community of practice is a group of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do, and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly. CoP members may interact online and/or face-to-face.

TCI’s Global CoP

Once you register with TCI University, you will become a member of TCI Global CoP. This online space connects TCI hub staff, managers, implementers and other experts working in urban reproductive health, providing opportunities for real-time social learning, help with challenges, access to expertise, networking opportunities and knowledge sharing to:

  • Learn more about TCI’s three-stage process
  • Promote a mindset of continuous learning, exchange, networking and reflection
  • Facilitate the rapid scale-up of proven family planning interventions
  • Convert knowledge into practice

Through this space, we will offer additional opportunities for continuous learning, such as webinars, expert-led discussions and facilitated group discussions. The CoP will only be as beneficial as you seek to engage. So, we encourage you to post your own comments and start the conversation!

CoP Groups

Regional groups like East Africa, Francophone West Africa, India and Nigeria are private groups for members to discuss regionally specific topics with hub staff, managers, and implementers from those locales. These groups may find having their own space valuable for sharing:

  • Information about coaching
  • Updates on national policy changes
  • Discussions about improving the TCI process and overcoming challenges to implementation
  • Local adaptation tips

Additional groups include TCI Coaches and others can be created for unique topics relevant to TCI. If you’re interested in creating and managing a CoP group, please contact Christina Shaw.

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